REST API : and
contact me :
skype: saadbd2003
email :
test the premium version of the plugin
user : test
pass : test
SSR multimode extension , tutorial :

[ssr_multi_mode multi_title=’result {institute_name}’ absent_text=’Absent’ avg =1 avg_text=’Average’]

in this tutorial you will see how to edit records in ssr.

this tutorial you will see how to delete a record

do you know you can use the plugin for employee database or client database. please see this tutorial to know how you can do it.

you want to import records from other plugin/mysql database , lets see how you can do it

Create auto user by result input

For premium version of the plugin please visit here
Assalam-o-ALikum,\r\nSaad bhai how are you?\r\nI want to talk with you on skype.\r\nSkype id: prof.mohsin15\r\ncontact: 03000852983\r\nregards,\r\nMohsin
I am also trying to read this guy
reach him i mean
try to call or write plz to me
Please email me
Hi,\r\nI have tried this plugin and i like it. The cs is very beautiful. I am a student learning how to design a good site with beautiful database. Please how can i add more field?
thank you for using SSR plugin , you can get 25 fields (except images) in premium version , please check demo , user : test , pass : test
This is an important database/result sheet software I think. Best of luck.
first time i use wordpress, Ur plugin is very good. But how to edit the column no idea.
Please how can i add more field.
For learning better . plz help me.
tutorials are here
Hello saad amin i need a plugin very similar to this premium can we discuss even on the budget.
please email me at
I tried activating the Plugin but got this error message “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
Please email me
Hi How to edit already added student info there is no option for redit ?
Please see this tutorial
Result k liye roll no. wala option show nahi ho raha please help me
Please email me , I will fix asap if any problem found.
How to show all student data without ajax
you can use rest api to show result.
it is not working my side
reisternuber 12345
please send me details in
sir , where do i get ssr csv import plugin, it is not there in tool tab
you need to get SSR premium version.
saad tell me prize i wanna buy your pluging
you can buy from here , price is 10
Hi Sir, I need enter tab after a result search box .
Please email me with details.
how to add search search button….
Sir I want add search button after search bar
nice nice usefull